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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

The G.Y.M. Giving Yourself Motivation

Working out can often be non-existent when we are weighed down with the many obligations and responsibilities in life. However, once you find an activity that you enjoy, working out becomes more of a leisure activity, rather then, an additional appointment to add to your busy schedule. To encourage all women to workout, I encouraged women in my local community to participate in a coordinated fitness day titled, "G.Y.M.: Giving Yourself Motivation."
This fitness day was hosted at, The Gym at Bloomfield Crossing, in Bloomfield. This event would not have been possible without the fitness enthusiast, 22 year old, Wanakee Guthrie. The day began at 8:30 a.m. where a few young ladies and myself began our warm up by riding on the elliptical and stationary bike, "Coming to The Gym after studying really helps clear my mind and helps me stay fit," states Eva Haldane (Windsor). Following our warm up, Wanakee, the personal trainer at The Gym, began her weekly cardio kickboxing (Cardio Fit) class.

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